Short-term relationships with clients are tiring. You constantly have to recruit clients or spend time worrying about your future income. It doesn't have to be the case! Let's bring the continuity of care back into birth support and coach our clients throughout the entire process of the childbearing years. Long-term client relationships mean stable income, a built-in network of referrals, and lower marketing costs. It leaves you more time to do what you LOVE - supporting individuals throughout the journey of pregnancy, birth, postpartum and, early parenting. And it puts you on a pathway to a thriving birth support practice!

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Childbirth Educators, Doulas, Prenatal Yoga Instructors, Midwives, Life and Health Coaches, and all other professionals who are interested in birth support

Step #1: GO VERBAL! Discover how to provide long-term transformational birth coaching throughout the entire process of the childbearing years.

Step #2: GO VIRTUAL! Learn how to utilize your new verbal coaching skills to respond to the current changes and transition into virtual support that will allow you to provide birth support to anyone in the world.

Step #3: Earn consistent income by developing Long-Term Relationships! See how verbal and virtual coaching results in long-term relationships that can continue for years. 



"Neri's course has given me the space to become curious about my own expectations as a doula and it has helped me to define my role for my clients more specifically. I have learned critical techniques in the way I listen to and question clients which helps the client discover how to express their desires more clearly. This course will challenge every doula to think more critically about their role resulting in a more comprehensive client-centered birth coaching process."
Kelli Ghanati,
California, USA

"Throughout the Birth Coach Training, Neri presented concepts and ideas that I will be able to utilize to bring new life to my work as a doula. Week by week she brought forward new tools and skills and gave us all the opportunity to jump in and use them to address real-life scenarios. I learned from Neri, and by listening to each of the participants."
- Joanne Dahill, N. Carolina, USA

"...they get all empowered and birthed without their doula around! I just had my 2nd client's birth (after getting certified as a Transformational Birth Coach) last night, and just like my client before her, both of them birthed without me! #BirthCoachMethod works!”
Nur Hafiza, CD, QATAR

"Helpful and eye-opening! It gave me so much hope that I could serve my clients so much better than before. I was searching for a way to help moms have a satisfying experience no matter what the outcome was, without experiencing shame. Something had to be done differently! And Neri found the missing link. I am so grateful Neri made this course possible."
- Ronnie Louros, CO, USA

"Throughout 6 sessions and several text check-ins, we revealed so much more than “not wanting to be induced.” And because we had frequent meetings, I was able to lead my client to take action around what really mattered to her by building accountability toward achieving her goals.”
-Naima Beckles, CD, CBE, NY, USA

"The Transformational Birth Support Coaching Certification course allowed me to learn new coaching strategies that will enrich my current career... specifically will help me launch my coaching services to serve women facing an unplanned pregnancy as a pregnancy options coach"
- Alexis Brunstedt, California, USA

This FREE LIVE 90-min Holiday Webinar is on Nov. 18th,
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM PST (1:30 PM EST)

About Neri

Neri Life-Choma trains birth practitioners of all types to provide birth support that truly impacts clients' journeys and leads toward positive birth experiences.

As a seasoned childbirth educator, birth doula, and doula trainer, Neri has lived the passion, triumph, hardship, tension, and burnout of being a birth support pro. She is convinced that transformational birth coaching is the #1 solution to many dilemmas in the field of birth support, and the best practice to lead positive birth experiences.

Neri believes that birth support pros thrive when they fulfill their passion to empower while not sacrificing their work-life balance, income, and health.

Go Verbal, Go Virtual, Coach throughout the Entire Childbearing Years...

3 Steps to Cultivating Long-Term Relationships with Your Birth Clients

Free Holiday Webinar