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Training programs for all birth support professionals
(BRN Approved CEP)

Transformational Coaching for Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum

Coaching strategies and exercises uniquely designed for birth workers to empower and boost client confidence during the childbearing years

The opponent within one's own head is more formidable than the one on the other side of the net”.
Tim Gallwey

There's a saying in birth support: Birth is like a Marathon Run. This metaphor teaches us so much about expectant people and the process we support them through. With this insight, we can't avoid asking:

Why aren't we coaching expectant individuals and new parents? 

Coaches in sports and all life areas help clients overcome challenges, internal resistance, and interference to achieve their desired experiences and goals. Coaches are not informational nor provide hands-on assistance during their clients' performances. They conduct a series of coaching conversations, engage their clients in coaching exercises, and help them undo their success blockers. They assign their clients actions and become their accountability buddies. 

Whether prenatally or during the postpartum period, we teach you to implement coaching strategies and exercises uniquely designed for birth workers so you can tailor your coaching to your clients and empower them to conduct themselves confidently throughout the childbearing process. 

Our programs are game-changing!  The coaching strategies and exercises you'll learn will help you gain impact and income while changing people's lives.

Our programs provide CEUs for ALL birth support pros and L&D RNs.

Lamaze Approved!

Our Transformational Birth Support Certification Program is approved by LAMAZE INTERNATIONAL for 20 Lamaze CEUs. These hours may be applied towards recertification as an LCCE educator under the learning competencies 1, 2, 5, and 7. (LIN 19-06).

Words from my 🤍

I felt defeated and heartbroken as a birth worker - doula, and childbirth educator when my clients didn't experience their desired childbirth experiences. I was ready to quit and give up my passion for supporting expectant people. But then...

I found transformational coaching and immediately knew I must integrate the coaching strategies into birth support. I've been fortunate to publish The Art of Coaching for Childbirth in 2016 and lead a global movement of birth workers who adopt the prenatal and postpartum coaching framework I've developed, leading their clients to greater results. 

I believe birth workers must take a leadership position as prenatal and postpartum coaches to gain impact and thrive in their practices.  This spirit guides all the programs offered by the Birth Coach Method. 

To Healthy Birth on Earth!  

Neri Life-Choma, Founder
CD, Doula trainer, CBE, Coach, CHP, NLP prac.  
Author of The Art of Coaching or Childbirth

Our Growing Global Community

Our community of transformational birth coaches is growing!  Among us are doulas, childbirth educators, prenatal yoga teachers, obstetric nurses, and midwives. From prenatal sessions throughout childbirth and during the postpartum period, we show you how to integrate strategies transformative strategies that have been proven to lead individuals to optimally navigate and perform throughout their Journey of pregnancy, birth and becoming a parent. 

Our five 'C's are: Clarity, Confidence, Conviction, Commitment, and (in) Charge. And we achieve them by - Coaching!

To Healthy Births on Earth!

Neri Life-Choma

Newly trained birth support coaches with their certifications

Birth Coach Method has given me the tools to get at the heart of what my clients truly want and the tools to help them manifest the experience they desire...This method has helped me better understand, connect with, and empower my clients to align what they believe with what they want and ultimately lead them to achieve those goals.

Featured Post

Evidence-Based Studies in Support of Coaching for Pregnancy and Birth

April 25, 2019

While working on my new certification course, Coaching for Pregnancy and Birth, I researched studies which will provide the scientific data to support what I already knew – coaching provides the most beneficial strategies to lead expectant couples toward a healthy and satisfying journey of pregnancy, birth and early postpartum.

Evidence-Based Studies in Support of Coaching for Pregnancy and Birth

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