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Prerequisites for Birth Support Coaching Certification Course

Successful completion of the following prerequisites will make the participant eligible to be certified as a Birth Support Coach and listed on our site.

  • Complete the online self-study of all the course lessons.
  • Attend at least 80% of the Zoom meetings provided for the course’s session you enrolled in.
  • Submit the 20 Days Action Plan. 
  • Pass the final exam (scoring at least 70%).
  • Have at least one-year experience practicing as a birth support practitioner (birth or postpartum doula, childbirth educator, prenatal yoga instructor, nursing degree, midwifery or other), or
  • If you are new to the field of birth support and aren’t trained as a birth support practitioner of any type, we will require you to study a list of pre-requisite classes offered by Birth Coach Method.  
  • Print and sign the code of ethics and scope of practice agreement.
  • Annual renewal of Birth Coach Method membership listing – $60 annually.


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