This is an amazing series for a labor doula who just began practicing. Our approach to implementing labor support techniques is unique. We teach expectant persons and birth support professionals how to match the techniques with the different labor phases. The Labor Support Tools Series was designed to enrich newly certified birth professionals and help them expand and practice the variety of labor support tools and comfort measures for labor. The series includes four video segments from DVD Practicing for an Active Birth; The most Comprehensive Hands-on Guide for a Healthy and Active Phase. Additionally, we will share the position chart we designed that represents the same principle of matching the position with the specific labor phase.
Hello Neri, I just came across you in one of my doula groups and wanted to reach out to thank you. One of your childbirth class videos has been a huge learning tool for me as a doula and gets watched over and over. Thank you for helping me support my first births with nothing but your video and a desire to help. I still channel your energy when I lead meditation/relaxation!
Luipa Khandker, PhD.
The series presents labor support tools and comfort measures in correlation with the different phases of childbirth: Each of the four classes begins with an informative description of the physiological and emotional symptoms of the specific labor phase it presents and continues to suggest and demonstrate the best techniques which will help the mother cope and progress. Pacing labor support tools is an important skill for doulas and a great way to help childbirth educators assist their students in categorizing the tools and remembering how to use them effectively throughout the birth.
Your role is to help your clients understand the labor phase they’re in – what happens in their body physiologically and anatomically in this phase and how they can cope and progress in labor.
By studying the series, you can expect to learn the following techniques:
- Breathing techniques
- Positioning
- Massage techniques
- Visualization and guided imagery
- Relaxation
- Hydrotherapy
- Analyzing birth progress and choosing the best technique to help birthing others to cope and progress to the next phase.
As with all of our online educational programs, your access is time-bound. This program gives you access for 12 weeks.