The Art of Coaching for Childbirth – eBook



    • This eBook version consists of two PDF files. The first file is the theoretical part of the book and is not downloadable or printable. The second file is the practical part of the book and is downloadable and printable 

    The Art of Coaching for Childbirth is a practical guide for coaching pregnant mothers and their partners towards their desired birth experience. Learning how to coach is a most needed continuing education for birth professionals of all types- doulas, childbirth educators, prenatal yoga teachers, midwives, L&D nurses, and OBGYNs,  can all benefit from learning the coaching principles and strategies, in order to enhance better communication with a birth client or patient and provide client-centered care.  Improving your leadership skills will result in better birth outcomes and higher levels of mothers’ satisfaction.

    This practical guide has two parts: The first part will help you become familiar with the principles, terminology, and strategies of the coaching approach, and to understand the benefits of integrating these into the field of birth support. In the second part, you will find hundreds of coaching questions and exercises to tackle various scenarios and situations across the spectrum of coaching for childbirth. 

    What will you learn?

    • How to address and clarify your client’s belief system around childbirth and facilitate a change of perspective when needed.
    • How to clarify our client’s motivation prenatally, and tap on it during birth.
    • How to clarify your client’s goals wishes and vision for her upcoming birth during the prenatal visits.
    • How to coach your birth client around the topic of labor pain and the fear of it.
    • How to coach your birth client around various common dilemmas expectant parents encounter.
    • How to coach your birth clients prenatally around their challenges or concerns.
    • The differences between educating and coaching.
    • How to conduct a reality check – distinguishing truth from myths and fears from reality.
    • How to open more options and lead your clients to make informed decisions that are aligned with their beliefs.
    • How to facilitate alignment between your clients’ beliefs, their wishes, and the actions they take.
    • How to elicit your client’s accountability to her birth process.
    • How to facilitate flexibility and adjustment when these are needed, without decreasing satisfaction levels of the whole experience.

    Read the reviews: 

     “…The coaching method, as applied to birth support, becomes a viable and vibrant path through the unwinnable culture wars that surround birth, which focuses on questions like, “Is birth safe?  Is it dangerous?  Where should it take place?  Who should attend births?”  One question that Life-Choma addresses head-on, though, is “Whose birth experience is it?”  Because the answer to that question is the pregnant woman herself, then the coaching approach, as outlined in this wonderful book, is an optimal approach for those seeking to enhance women’s birth experience.  Coaching for Childbirth is an important contribution to childbirth preparation and support and this book, and the method will be a valuable resource to childbirth educators, doulas, and others seeking to support birthing women…”  Christine Morton, a former distinguished member of Lamaze International and current manager at the California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative. Author of Birth Ambassadors


    “…The Art of Coaching for Childbirth, while compact at just over 70 pages, nonetheless packs in an incredible amount of practical information and useful tools.  She has skillfully transferred classic coaching strategies and made them totally applicable to birth educators and doulas. These strategies enable us to transfer the power back to the birthing woman, encouraging her to take responsibility for her own birthing journey. Empowerment, as we know, is not something we can give another person. It is something that originates from within…Neri’s book set off some real “light-bulb” moments for me and will definitely change the way I approach topics such as fear, pain, and interventions in my Lamaze childbirth classes.”  Tanya Strusberg, LCCE, FACCE, Director, Birthwell birthright Childbirth Education, Lamaze-accredited and CAPEA, Australia.  


    “Coaching for Childbirth is an innovative guide for professionals who serve pregnant women and want to integrate coaching techniques into their work. Neri has done a wonderful job of clarifying the coaching role and distinguishing it from therapeutic care and teaching. The exercises and scripts Neri offers are excellent resources, and she constructs a convincing case for the value of incorporating coaching into birth support by healthcare workers, childbirth educators, doulas, and other birth workers…”  Michal Klau-Stevens, The Birth Lady 


    “…The Art of Coaching for childbirth” provides nurses with concrete coaching tools and approaches which can be quickly implemented in labor and delivery. Teaching nurses to ask strong questions which help clients clarify their goals and priorities while using pacing and leading strategy will make client-nurse interactions insightful…” Olga Libova, DNP, CNM, RN, Perinatal Nursing Faculty, De Anza College Nursing program, Silicon Valley, Ca


    Coaching for Childbirth; a Practical Guide for Integrating the Principles and Strategies of Coaching into the Field of Birth Support” is required reading for all individuals in the field of birth support… Doctors, nurses, midwives and doula’s, new mothers and fathers, will all discover a plethora of valuable information on these pages. Dr. Rosie Kuhn, The Paradigm Shifts Coaching Group
    Neri Life-Choma